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Befriender FAQ

Common questions and answers about using Togetherly as a befriender.

Updated over 7 months ago

The experience of contacting your matched service user through Togetherly is similar to making a regular phone call. However, you will dial the Togetherly number instead of their personal number.

How do I contact my matched service user with Togetherly?

Simply dial the Togetherly number provided to you. If you have a single match, you will be directly connected.

If you have multiple matches, you will hear a prompt from Togetherly to select which match you'd like to contact. For example:

To connect with John, press 1.

To connect with Anna, press 2.

Can I use 141 or withhold my number when calling?

There is no need to use 141 or withhold your number when using Togetherly, as neither party has access to private telephone numbers.

You call the Togetherly number: Their private number remains hidden.

The service user receives a call from the Togetherly number: Your private number remains hidden as well.

It's important not to hide your telephone number, as we use your caller ID to recognise who you are and connect you with your match. If your caller ID is hidden, we won't be able to recognise you, and you won’t be connected.

Can I contact my matched service user using a different telephone number?

You should only use the telephone number assigned to your contact in Togetherly. If you're unsure which number is registered, please contact the organisation you are a befriender for to confirm.

Can my matched service user call me back if they miss my call?

No. Only the befriender can initiate contact. If your matched service user misses your call and tries to call back, they will hear a message informing them that they missed a call from their befriender and that you will try again.

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